• Whole Grains

    When you reach for that bowl of whole grain cereal or a slice of whole grain bread, consider the health benefits. Those who eat whole grains as part of their diet are at a reduced risk for some chronic conditions. This is because they contain nutrients that are vital to optimal health, and that includes

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  • Nutritional Supplements

    We all need vitamins and minerals to sustain good health and keep our bodies functioning properly. These nutrients are what our bodies need to grow, repair, heal and sustain our body’s cells, systems, organs and skeleton. The problem is that many of us do not consume enough to maintain optimal health,

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  • The Role of Chiropractic Care in Functional Medicine

    Most people have heard the adage associated with doctors’ medical advice: “Take two aspirin and call me in the morning.” However, imagine a scenario in which, instead of offering a quick fix, the doctor sat down with you and asked about all the components of your lifestyle. That’s what doctors

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  • Tai Chi

    Tai chi is a gentle form of exercise that evolved from martial arts. First developed in China, people all over the world now enjoy the health benefits of this slow, flowing practice. You might see students practicing tai chi outside, in parks or on beaches The word “chi” means life force in Chinese.

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  • Superfoods

    Prior to the word “superfood” perfectly embedding itself in our vocabulary after Dr. Steven Pratt coined the term in 2004, we didn’t have such a distinction when it came to the foods we ate. Fruits and vegetables have long been known to have health benefits and are a part of our daily diet —

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  • Sugar, Salt and Trans and Saturated Fats

    Salt, sugar and fats have long gotten bad raps. It is true that adverse effects can occur if they are consumed in large amounts, but the keyword is “large.” When taken in the right amounts, our bodies can reap several benefits. The Low-Down on Salt Salt can do more than flavor your foods, it’s

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  • Nutrition

    Nutrition may sound like a complicated subject, but it’s really quite simple. Basically, nutrition describes how the food choices that you make affect your overall wellness. This includes how your body functions at the level of your cells, tissues and organs. Overview of Nutrition and You In order

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  • Mind-Body Techniques

    When it comes to staying healthy, your body is not the only piece of the puzzle. Your mind — and its connection to your body — have an important role to play as well. The Mind-Body Connection This mind-body connection means that your thoughts, feelings, attitudes and beliefs can all affect the

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  • Massage

    Massage dates back at least to the second century B.C., as it’s described in ancient Chinese texts. Practitioners in India and Egypt developed their own methods of massage. In fact, all over the world, people use their hands and mechanical devices to improve circulation, unknot muscles, reduce pain

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  • Lifestyle Practices

    While spinal manipulation is a chiropractor’s primary tool, functional medicine chiropractors also assess their patients’ lifestyles. Chiropractic care that focuses on functional medicine is holistic. This means that when you visit a functional medicine chiropractor, he or she will want to know about

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  • Lean Protein

    If you’ve been in a car accident or have a condition that affects the spine, such as vertebral subluxation complex, the muscles can spasm, stiffen, weaken or waste away. In addition, if scar tissue develops, muscle tone can change. All of this can affect your mobility, comfort and ability to perform

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  • Exercise

    If you are dealing with long-term chronic pain, it is likely that the last thing you want to think about is exercising. However, staying physically active is important for your overall health and in preventing the onset of other conditions like heart disease and obesity. An appropriate exercise program

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  • Drug-Free Alternatives for Pain Management

    Every day, millions of adults deal with chronic pain, or pain that lasts for a long time. Prescription medications are often effective for alleviating short-term pain, such as severe headaches or pain associated with muscle trauma. However, they may not work as well for chronic pain. In addition, these

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  • Diet

    Most people know that eating a well-balanced, healthy diet can reduce your risk of health problems, such as heart disease, diabetes and obesity. However, the foods you eat may also provide relief from chronic pain or keep you from developing certain types of pain, such as low-back pain. Eating a Healthy

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  • Aromatherapy

    Scents play an important role in our lives. The pungent smell of certain spices can bring on hunger cravings. The aroma of freshly baked chocolate chip cookies may trigger long-forgotten childhood memories. However, certain smells may also have health benefits, from relieving pain to reducing depression.

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  • Acupuncture

    Acupuncture is a type of treatment that stimulates points on the body to relieve pain in other areas. The most common method uses very thin, metal needles to penetrate the skin. Acupuncture is an integral part of traditional Chinese medicine, and is used for treating pain and other health problems. What

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  • Acupressure

    Acupressure is a type of massage that has been part of traditional Chinese medicine for more than 2,000 years. It is used by chiropractors and other health practitioners to help the body heal itself and provide relief from chronic pain and stress. What Is Acupressure? During acupressure, a chiropractor

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  • A Functional Medicine Chiropractor's Day

    A functional medicine chiropractor never knows exactly what his or her day will bring. Patient problems vary, and functional medicine chiropractors address them with a big collection of tools. In addition to spinal adjustments, the doctor may prescribe exercises, acupuncture or other holistic treatment

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  • Heat Therapy

    Most people have used heat at one time to sooth normal aches and pains — such as the use of a hot bath, a heating pad or even an old-fashioned water bottle. Even today, these types of heat therapy play an important role in chiropractic practice to increase circulation and relax the muscles. At the

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  • Electrotherapy

    We rely on electricity every day to light our homes and use appliances. With all its run-of-the-mill uses, you may have never considered that electricity could be used to reduce acute and chronic pain. How is electricity used to lessen pain? Electrotherapy directly blocks pain signals and encourages

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  • Cold Therapy

    Applying ice after an injury is a common method for reducing pain and swelling. It is especially effective for athletes, who often experience sudden, painful injuries. This type of cold therapy, also known as cryotherapy, is used by chiropractors for the same purposes. Types of Cold Therapy Many types

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  • Cold Laser Therapy

    Cold laser therapy, also known as low-level laser therapy (LLLT), uses light to treat various conditions. Unlike other types of laser light, cold laser therapy does not produce heat or vibration in the parts of the body being treated. Many therapists, including chiropractors and physical therapists,

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  • Manual Technique

    Manual therapy, also known as manipulative therapy, is a physical treatment primarily used by chiropractors to treat musculoskeletal pain and debility. How Does Manual Therapy Work? This form of physical therapy takes a hands-on approach rather than using devices or machines. When a chiropractor uses

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  • Drop-Table Technique

    Forceful spinal manipulation is not always necessary to treat conditions of the lower back, mid-back and neck. Gentle chiropractic treatment, such as drop table techniques, involves less powerful spinal maneuvering and slower, low-velocity movements that allow the affected joint to stay within its passive

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  • Active Release Techniques

    When there is damage to muscles and other soft tissues including pulls, tears, or not being able to get enough oxygen (hypoxia), it can result in the body producing rough, thick scar tissue in the affected area. Scar tissue restricts the tissues from moving freely because they bind them and tie them

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  • Spinal Kinesiopathology

    Spinal kinesiopathology is the unusual positioning or motion of the spinal bones, to the point where the patient’s ability to turn and bend is restricted. It is one of five components of vertebral subluxation complex — a set of symptoms and signs that affect the spinal column — and it puts the

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  • Chiropractic Care for Older Adults

    As most older adults know, a single fall can change their lives. For instance, an independent individual may fall in his or her home and land in a nursing facility. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2.5 million older adults went to emergency rooms into 2013 after falling. Of

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  • Pathophysiology

    Pathophysiology means the function in an individual or an organ is disturbed due to disease, leading to a structural defect. In chiropractic care, it often presents when unusual bony growths, such as bone spurs, attempt to fuse malfunctioning joints, causing the spine to degrade, joints to become altered,

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  • Neuropathophysiology

    Neuropathophysiology refers to pathophysiological conditions that affect the nervous system. A more recognizable term may be neuropathy. Neuropathy is not a single disease; rather, it is an umbrella term used to describe a host of disorders that affect various nerves in various ways, in various areas

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  • Myopathy

    Myopathy refers to a group of muscle diseases that are caused by muscular dysfunction that results in muscle weakness and waste. It is important to recognize that while some myopathic conditions can be caused by reduced nerve supply or excess nerve supply, the disorders do not stem from a neurological

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  • Chiropractic Care for our High-Tech Lifestyles

    While technology creates many new possibilities for entertainment, connecting with others and getting work done, it also spawns new health problems. Ten years ago, nobody had “text neck.” Now many people are reaping the unwanted musculoskeletal consequences of tech overuse. “Text Neck” Instead

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  • Histopathology

    Following a car accident, the bones of the spine may shift out of their original position or lose their normal motion, in what’s called vertebral subluxation complex. This condition is characterized by a set of signs and symptoms that affect the spinal column. Histopathology is one of its five major

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  • Chiropractic Care for Children

    Many people think that chiropractors treat only adults. But children can also benefit from regular chiropractic care. Injuries that children receive during their everyday lives and while playing sports can cause many symptoms that can be treated by chiropractors. This includes soreness, discomfort, stiffness

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  • Chiropractic Care for Athletes

    Chiropractic care and sports training go hand in hand. Many professional athletes have publicly shared that chiropractic adjustments are crucial before and after their athletic feats. NFL champion Emmit Smith likened a single football game to being in more than 30 car accidents. With this kind of impact

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  • Myths & Facts

    Myth #1 - Chiropractors are not real doctors. A chiropractic college grants a D.C. or Doctorate of Chiropractic degree. Chiropractors are licensed as health care providers in every U.S. state and dozens of countries around the world. While the competition for acceptance in chiropractic school is not

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